Truth World

Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand, the ‘lockdown’ ‘forced mRNA vaccine’ lunatic! Never ever forget New Zealand what this charlatan sick demon did to you! Find a way to investigate her & pull her into a

legal courtroom and try her and if guilty, take her money and imprison her, if you find her policies caused death of New Zealanders. Conservatives Sweep to Victory, Ousting Lockdown Queen Ardern
‘New Zealanders resoundingly elected a new conservative government Saturday, with incumbent Prime Minister Chris Hipkins conceding his centre-left Labour party’s six years in power were over.
Hipkins, who replaced charismatic two-term leader Jacinda Ardern in January, said he was “not in a position to form a government” and had already congratulated premier-in-waiting Christopher Luxon.’

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander