Truth World

‘HAMAS CALLS GLOBAL DAY OF JIHAD’ on Friday 13th October (today); Congressional Medal of War winner David Bellavia covered this in WBEN 10 am EST show (on 12th), where HAMAS asking terrorist muslims

globally to attack non-believers, non-muslims, Jews, even other arabs, wherever; this is a stunning development & as Bellavia stated, even gays, transgenders, everyone is at risk; be vigilant

Use this as a public service announcement if you have not been made aware of this global call to holy war by Hamas. Share so that people remain vigilant and make common sense decisions today so as to mitigate risk ‘if this is true’.
This is the tragedy for in these matters, the innocent often get killed, children etc. There are always innocent people in the mix. Though we are calling on the ‘moderates’ to stand up against this and denounce it and work to help change hearts and minds. The ‘ARAB Street’ hates very much, the Christian, the Jew, and this must be fixed via a re-education especially involving the elders, and it will take time but must begin starting with the young muslim male, same with the ‘Jewish Street’. Make no mistake in my thoughts, if you attack people and harm them no matter who you are, IMO, you must be punished, no matter what your cause.
I am praying that calmer heads prevail now and life is spared on both sides, Jew and Arab…this is tragic, we have to find a way to exhaust all avenues to prevent loss of life, any suffering both sides. Life is life. Precious. Blood is blood, flowing same in each of us. Black, white, yellow, no matter religion even, yet if you are of violence and harm, if your aim is to hurt, if you preach and show violence for others, no matter your issue, you must be dealt with firmly and thoroughly and punitively.
Yes, Israel has a right to punish for the wrong doing by Hamas but I am pleading with Israel to be careful, very careful how they target so that loss of innocent life does not happen, for the Arab, the Jew. Global day of Jihad is concerning. That call by Hamas. This is not fun, or a game. The Jews were brutalized and slaughtered and it is right that they respond. There is so much dis-information, so much does not add up, so much makes no sense as to how this really happened. I guess what is needed is a securing of the US border now, an acute focus, and the resolution of this disaster that is unfolding now. I fear for the worse.
We have to pray. We have to find a peaceful resolution. To ask Israel to step back now is impossible for too much brutality and depravity has been done to its people. This is so very tragic.

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander