Truth World

Those who stand by and rejoice & celebrate the loss of Israeli life are dispicable, untermensche, low-lifes for they do not understand what was done here; the response by Israel will shock you, you

will now witness something that your mind will not understand, nor even mine, a crushing response & it did not need happen! But Israel must respond! It is time there is a reformation of radical islam,
from inside the radical mosques that preach hate, not all, but some preach hate and radicalize good muslim young men, taught to hate the non-muslim, the Jew, no understanding, no middle ground, just hate, kill, kill, kill the infidel, thats all they are taught, kill, convert the non-believer or kill them…christianity, all religions have gone through reformations, all had their issues and growth and still work to be done, but it is time islam did same, to get the radical aspects out…I know many good islamic followers, many good muslims, good people…like me, like you…yet it is time they stood up and denounced what happened here to Israel, the leaders of the mosques, leaders of islam must stand up and denounce and work to help stamp this out…we have people living on the 21st century who think in their minds like the 6th century AD…this is the problem…they cannot settle issues via good governance structures or discussion and this is wrong…we must always be willing to have serious difficult conversations ongoing as long as it take but we must never use violence to achieve our aims…we must stop this hate of Jewish people, it must end, these attacks, we must also stop hate of arab too…we must find a way to co-exist and resolve the most difficult matters….peacefully…
I want peace for all yet how does Israel respond here? Israel will not sit down until it responds and in some manner you cannot disagree…what was done here is barbaric as reported…I just came off the phone with a senior Jewish person who informed his family is unaccounted for…how is that right? so much pain and suffering…Hamas must release all those being help captive…
the mosque must stop radicalizing, it must work harder to teach the young males proper good governance behavior…stop the hate…we have to mainstream all…
we must find a way for Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus to live peacefully…together…

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander