Truth World

COVID pandemic was a fraud, a fake, it was a PCR ‘false-positive’ over-cycled, make believe pandemic with its 0.05% IFR for those less than 75 years (near 100% survival), it ‘never was’; all involved

knew this, all involved in Trump administration and Biden’s; POTUS Trump was ‘rolled’, he was no scientist and trusted those health officials, Fauci-Minh ‘gain-of-Fauci’ & Birx lead the deceit
These people, at highest levels of US government and globally, via their deepstate cabals, via their health agency officials, across many nations, actually do ‘fake’ pandemics all the time, have done it before…this fraud fake COVID pandemic was done to remove Trump from office and they did and to usurp power and transform America and the world…they did! They succeeded.
In so doing, they killed thousands, millions by their lockdown lunacy, the denied delayed medical treatments as all hospitals and beds were designated ‘COVID beds’, the fraud deadly mRNA technology gene based injection, and the vicious deadly manner our loved ones were treated by the medical system via i)false positive COVID test ii)sucked into black hole of COVID iii)isolated and they began to die iv)DNR orders illegally v)denial of needed antibiotics for pneumonia and pending sepsis vi)dehydration vii)malnourichment viii)sedation with potent paralytics like midazolam and diamorphine ix)more toxic drugs x)Kidney and liver toxic Remdesivir xi) intubation xii)ventilator that blew holes in trauma (ed) lungs, ventilator associated pneumonia etc.
Those involved from Fauci, Azar, to Bourla, Weissman (mRNA technology) etc. were and are criminals.

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander