Truth World

mRNA technology COVID gene based vaccines are DEAD (Moderna, Pfizer, BioNTech), dead on arrival, failed, day 1, from February 2021 we knew it was deadly, not needed! the mRNA-LNP complex, devastating

No one, no healthy person, no young person, no one, not even elderly, no one must take these shots, NO boosters, no healthy child, no child should get these mRNA vaccines, NONE! Deadly, ineffective!
This COVID vaccine has all been a lie, all of it, and the vaccine makers and all involved and for sure Bourla, Bancel, Sahin, they have lots to answer for, IMO these are criminals! Should be in a jail for the rest of their lives! They sat atop a vaccine that failed before it was brought, drove negative efficacy, effectiveness, did not sterilize the virus (stop infection, replication, transmission), induced not potential neutralizing vaccine antibodies but rather non-neutralizing vaccinal antibodies and was so sub-optimal that they drove day one, Darwinian natural selective pressure for more ‘fitter’ variants, and viral immune escape, and as such more infectious variants to emerge and this will continue as long as these vaccines are given.
Between the fraud PCR overcycled driven pandemic with an IFR of 0.05% less than 70-75 years old, the lockdown lunacy and school and business closure that did not curb infection or death, and the fraud failed vaccine, this was all a lie, a move to strip us of over 3 years of freedoms and the transfer of 5 trillion in wealth from the poor and middle class to the wealthy among us. In all this, IMO, this was devised to play a role in toppling POTUS Trump and they did, Fauci, Birx et al.

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander