Truth World

Novak Djokovic: ‘it is the price I am prepared to pay…I feel so strongly about the vaccine, I am prepared to never pick up a racket again, it’s the price I am willing to pay’; listen to the moron

reporter: ‘why, why Novak, why’? & Novak punishes the puke reporter, the deballed eunuch with ‘because the principles of decision-making on my body are more important than anything else’ BOOM!

His bodily integrity was critical to him and he maintained it. His immune system alike mine and I am sure many of you reading this, is the PRIZE, sought after now. We survived the 3.5 years of hysteria and COVID lockdown lunatic madness and we have natural immunity that is bullet proof, robust. He refused to balk, to fold, to compromise and in the end, he WON! He knew that nothing matters in the end other than the triumph of integrity and principles over all else. A line you are unprepared or unwilling to cross over. His line, like mine and yours, is set in stone! Unmovable. He was willing to pay any price and he did and he WON!

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander