Truth World

Drs. Howard Njoo, Theresa Tam, Supriya Sharma: maybe three of the most reckless dangerous public health officials to Canadians, AGAIN approving NEW & OBSOLETE COVID mRNA Vaccine Boosters (XBB.1.5)

MISMATCHED booster that will not hit dominant sub-variant (EG.5, FL.1.5.1, or BA.2.86 etc.); they don’t care, are inept & IMO very incompetent & dangerous! pushing this on pregnant women & children?
The US vaccine maker data submitted to the FDA shows us this is based on a mice model, not human data alike for BA.4 and BA.5 bivalent booster that failed, no control group, no randomized clinical trial, no safety data, and based on antibody levels…it is all junk research and science.
Yet Drs. Howard Njoo, Theresa Tam, Supriya Sharma of Canada, Health Canada, PHAC, goes along…why? are they incentivized somehow? They continue to fail Canadians for there is no data anywhere globally today to show or suggest that this XBB.1.5 booster (where XBB.1.5 variant is almost extinct, supplanted) is needed and definitely not needed in children or pregnant women. Healthy children.

Alexander COVID News-Dr. Paul Elias Alexander’s Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

These three Canadian scientist doctors should hang their heads in shame, and hide their faces for they know they are doing wrong here! IMO they should be investigated in proper legal forums. They is no medical, scientific, no data to support anything they are doing here, no clinical basis! They know it. They just figure you continue to be sheep and they have power over you, your decision-making.
What data are these three idiots at Health Canada and PHAC looking at that we do not know of, showing that the XBB.1.5 booster confers benefits? IMO this is all risk and no benefit. Do these blockheaded morons not understand original antigenic sin (immune fixation)? viral immune escape? Natural selection pressure when the vaccine induced antibodies do not match/hit the prevailing circulating variant? Did they not see all of the research over 2 years now showing that these mRNA COVID gene vaccines do not neutralize, do not sterilize the virus (stop infection, replication, transmission)?
Why will they not debate me, just me, all three of them. Or debate McCullough, or Bridle? Or Hodkinson? Or Makis? Bring their entire agencies. Bring all of their data that they are looking at. These three are complete clowns, morons IMO. Dangerous clowns. They are academically sloppy, intellectually lazy and clearly do not read the published research or understand the research or data. Clearly. There are serious safety concerns. Do these idiots not read the Shrestha et al. data (Cleveland Clinic) showing a dose response of re-infection with more boosting?

COVID Emergency September 2023? Where is the Emergency POTUS Biden to warrant the FDA’s new EUA for XBB.1.5 (Omicron) booster that MISMATCHES the BA.2.86 or EG.5 or FL sub-variants? Dr. Marks?

Dr. Paul Alexander
Sep 12

What in good heavens is going on in the Biden administration and the FDA? Including the corrupted CDC? What? The FDA has moved on September 11th 2023 to approve an EUA for a new booster when there is absolutely NO need societally. Where is the emergency? Why the EUA? What data is the FDA and Biden administration looking at that we have not seen? Then st…

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Dr. Makis makes his case also in substack next, good scholarship:

COVID Intel – by Dr.William Makis

Canada approves NEW & OBSOLETE COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Boosters (XBB.1.5) – pushes them on children 6+ months and pregnant women – Major Safety Concerns! NO SAFETY studies done on children or pregnancy!

Watch now (3 mins) | Canada is RE-BRANDING obsolete and failed COVID-19 mRNA vaccines to remove the word “BOOSTER”. This is an intentional move to forcefully make COVID-19 vaccines an “annual shot” like the flu shot, which they consider wildly successful (Sep.12, 2023) “There is an Internationally agreed upon simplified dosing schedule NOW” – “It may be much like the flu vaccines where people may be on a REGULAR SCHEDULE getting an Updated vaccine” …
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10 hours ago · 62 likes · 11 comments · Dr. William Makis MD

Canada approves NEW & OBSOLETE COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Boosters (XBB.1.5) – pushes them on children 6+ months and pregnant women – Major Safety Concerns! NO SAFETY studies done on children or pregnancy!

Canada is RE-BRANDING obsolete and failed COVID-19 mRNA vaccines to remove the word “BOOSTER”. This is an intentional move to forcefully make COVID-19 vaccines an “annual shot” like the flu shot, which they consider wildly successful (Sep.12, 2023)

“There is an Internationally agreed upon simplified dosing schedule NOW” – “It may be much like the flu vaccines where people may be on a REGULAR SCHEDULE getting an Updated vaccine” (Canada’s chief medical advisor, Dr. Supriya Sharma – Sep.12)

Masking is being pushed again: “now is the time to get your mask ready” (Sep.12, 2023)

They are going after children again (Canada’s chief medical advisor, Dr. Supriya Sharma):

“5 years or older should receive 1 dose regardless of COVID vaccination history”

“6 months to 4 years should receive 2 doses if not previously vaccinated, 1 dose if previously vaccinated”

SAFETY: Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo warns against getting the Covid booster shot: “There’s been no clinical trial done in human beings showing that it benefits people. There’s been no clinical trial showing that it is a safe product for people.” – “There are a lot of red flags”

SAFETY: Newly Approved Moderna XBB.1.5 Covid-19 vaccine was tested on only 50 adult participants and only monitored over a 20-day period with no control group. Also, Health Canada states that it authorized the vaccine based on older data from the original primary series and booster vaccines.

“Safety and effectiveness of Spikevax XBB.1.5 for individuals 6 months of age and older is INFERRED from studies of a primary series and booster dose” – they did NO safety studies for children!!!

NO studies done to ensure safety in pregnancy!

“Reactogenicity was similar to prior doses of the original Spikevax and Bivalent”

USA situation is even worse: They are pushing 3 Pfizer doses on children 6 months to 4 years!!

USA: “Annual COVID-19 vaccine shots” are being pushed

FDA Approved 13:1, the member who voted “NO”:”

Pablo J. Sanchez, M.D., who voted no, explained, “We have extremely limited data on children and infants and other individuals, and I think that needs to be made available to the parents.
I also think that in certain circumstances, we do have to be concerned about potential side effects, especially in young adults and in young adult males. And so, I think all of that needs to be weighed. And so, that’s why I hesitate to make it just a universal recommendation.”
Why are new COVID-19 boosters OBSOLETE?

XBB.1.5 will be extinct by the time the new boosters are rolled out

Health Canada just approved a product that is all risk and no benefit

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine induced myocarditis is 1 in 35 per dose, this includes young adults and children:

The Switzerland study is here

My Take…

FDA and Health Canada just approved a new & obsolete COVID-19 mRNA vaccine monovalent booster shot for XBB.1.5 variant which is almost extinct.

Only “safety study” done on this product was 50 adults monitored for 20 days, with no control group! This is medical fraud.

No safety studies done on children 6 months or older (recommended by Health Canada anyways – this is medical malfeasance and malpractice)

FDA Member who voted NO cited “extremely limited data on children and infants” and concerns about side effects in young adults (& young adult males)

No safety studies done on pregnant women (recommended by Health Canada anyways – this is medical malfeasance and malpractice)

“Reactogenicity was similar to prior doses of the original Spikevax vaccine and Spikevax Bivalent” – this is an admission that we will see 1000s of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine induced injuries & deaths of children, young adults and pregnant women (I’ve documented thousands of these injuries & deaths on my substack and Twitter)

“Spikevax XBB.1.5 vaccine is manufactured by the same process as the currently approved Spikevax formulations” – this is an admission that we will see potentially lethal “hot lots”, “bad vaccine batches”, metallic contamination, DNA plasmid contamination, SV40 promoter contamination and all the quality control problems of the original products! They’ve done nothing to improve quality control.’

Alexander COVID News-Dr. Paul Elias Alexander’s Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander