Truth World

‘WHO sounds major alarm over ‘concerning’ Covid wave (BA.2.86 sub-variant clade) coming this winter as deaths soar’; this is bogus garbage specious drivel! no evidence it is lethal to low-risk persons

It comes as schools across US bring back mandated face masks, recalling the darkest days of the pandemic. This is panic fear-porn, no evidence this is more lethal! NONE! so what if has 30 mutations?
I ask, where is the evidence that this is more virulent or lethal to the general population? Where? Of course any respiratory ILI pathogen will be difficult for elderly high-risk persons, common colds and flu and RSV etc. operate that way ALL the time, it is what they do…you never shut down or masked up for flu year over year that has always been lethal to kids and the elderly…so why this again? this is a fraud move, seeking to steal another election and destroy America and for congress persons etc. to fatten their pockets more with tax payer relief money, Canada, US, Britain etc.

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And these morons are bringing a XBB.1.5 booster this Fall knowing full well that EG.5 and/or BA.2.86 will likely be dominant and thus a mismatch and thus the failed vaccine will continue to drive selective pressure on the target antigen and thus more variants…they know what they are doing, this is to keep this fraud so called PCR driven pandemic going for 100 years! To destroy America…
‘The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned of “concerning trends” for COVID-19 ahead of winter as a dangerous new strain runs rampant across the Northern Hemisphere.
The UN health agency estimates that hundreds of thousands of people around the world are currently hospitalized with the virus. However, the true number could be much higher because many countries have stopped reporting Covid data.
“We continue to see concerning trends for COVID-19 ahead of the winter season in the Northern Hemisphere,” WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told an online press conference.
He added: “Deaths are increasing in some parts of the Middle East and Asia, intensive care unit admissions are increasing in Europe and hospitalizations are increasing in several regions.”‘‘

Alexander COVID News-Dr. Paul Elias Alexander’s Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander