Truth World

See my prior substack on COVID, all of the pandemic, from virus, to lockdowns, to the mRNA technology injection vaccine, all of it was a fraud, a lie! 100%, all steps failed! David Martin is on FIRE!

Martin: “for 58 years the United States, UK, in collaboration with researchers across the world, planned to premeditatively use coronavirus to instill the most tyrannical reform of society; the won”

Was COVID a ‘premeditated’ evil assault on populations, freedoms, on America principally to bring her to heel, was it devised & designed to instill fear & panic & submission? Yes, 100% & it did! The

Dr. Paul Alexander
12:59 PM

Start looking at Fauci, Birx, Walensky, Jha, Weissman, Kariko, Bourla, Sahin, Bancel, Azar, Baric, Daszak et al. and all involved in the prior Trump administration, all involved in present Biden administration. Do not be afraid to hang these people if judges and juries and proper legal entities fairly examine them and their actions in COVID and decide t…

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“Here’s the bad news… for 58 years the United States, the UK, in collaboration with researchers across the world, planned to use coronavirus to instill the most tyrannical reform of society that this generation has ever seen. And they did it purely premeditated to make sure that we were cowed into submission.””And the bad news for them is… there’s a lot of people that didn’t take the knee.”

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander