Truth World

Is Dr. Peter McCullough correct? That mRNA tecnology Vaccine BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech) Clinical Trial Integrity was Eroded by Corruption and Rush to Market Entry? Yes, I know the data, the submission

The Pfizer and Moderna trials were corrupted and fraudulent, the data was fraudulently presented to the public and FDA, these pharma people are crooks, MUST be jailed for the post deaths!
In my mind he is correct, that these mRNA technology gene injections were deadly day one! The Pfizer and Moderna and BioNTech CEOs must be investigated and put under trial. Jailed if we must. These are would be criminals IMO, Bourla, Bancel, Sahin.
Two French Scientists Expose Purposeful Bias, Fraud, and Misconduct to Hide Safety Issues and Produce False Picture of Efficacy

‘How could the mRNA vaccines have looked so good in the Fall of 2020 with >90% efficacy in preventing COVID-19 and no serious safety issues and then the next few months after release have the bottom fall out with massive breakthrough cases and horrific injuries, disabilities, and death?
Could it be that Pfizer manipulated their randomized trials to hide safety issues and make the products appear as if they worked when they did not? I sat down and talked to two French scientists who have performed a forensic analysis of what actually happened during the Pfizer randomized trials.’

Courageous Discourse™ with Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake

mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech) Clinical Trial Integrity Eroded by Corruption and Rush to Market Entry

Watch now (47 min) | By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH How could the mRNA vaccines have looked so good in the Fall of 2020 with >90% efficacy in preventing COVID-19 and no serious safety issues and then the next few months after release have the bottom fall out with massive breakthrough cases and horrific injuries, disabilities, and death…
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8 hours ago · 98 likes · 8 comments · Peter McCullough, MD

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander