Truth World

What about reparations for decendants and for white people, the Barbary slaves of the Mediterranean? What about the white Europeans who were enslaved as devastatingly by the Barbary muslim Corsairs

(the white slaves of Barbary)? I refer to the muslim pirates who were deadly out of the main ports (enslaving Europeans) along North African coast from countries of Algiers, Morocco, Tunis, Tripoli

When we talk reparations, please talk about it properly and broadly. Did you know there were maybe more white slaves than black? Enslaved by muslim slave traders in the Mediterranean. What is your view on that?

Alexander COVID News-Dr. Paul Elias Alexander’s Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

Reparations for blacks in America? Note, I am for righting wrongs but let us not go insane with this and ridiculous.
OK, the African slave trade (16-19 century) was devastating and deadly, wrong on many levels (btw, I have real plantation slaves in my ancestry so I have dorect skin in this debate) so what about reparations for decendants and for white people, the Barbary slaves of the Mediterranean? What about the white Europeans who were enslaved as devastatingly by the Barbary muslim Corsairs (the white slaves of Barbary)? I refer to the muslim pirates in the Mediterranean who were deadly out of the main ports (enslaving white Europeans) along the North African coast from the countries of Algiers, Morocco, Tunis, & Tripoli. Do not forget that slave trade that was a s deadly and dehumanizing as the African slave trade (near 2 million European white slaves).

Alexander COVID News-Dr. Paul Elias Alexander’s Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander