Truth World

Did the media cover this SHOCKING pre-print by Wagenhäuser et al. showing adverse reactions & inability to work aftet getting the Pfzier bivalent booster compared to the monovalent COVID-19 booster?


‘The rate of adverse reactions for the second booster dose was significantly higher among participants receiving the bivalent vaccine (87.5% [95% CI, 77.2%–93.5%; 56/64]) compared with those receiving the monovalent vaccine (52.5% [95% CI, 37.5%–67.1%; 21/40]) vaccine (p = 0.0002).
Bivalent-vaccinated participants further reported higher rates of adverse reactions in all subcategories (Fig. 1(a)).
Also, there were more frequent intake of as-needed medication (Fig. 1(b)), numerically higher rates of workability restrictions (Fig. 1(c)), and longer mean duration of the inability to work (2.1 ± 3.5 vs. 1.2 ± 0.4 days) in the bivalent-vaccinated group.

Individuals receiving a second COVID-19 booster vaccination with the bivalent BNT162b2 mRNA original/Omicron BA.4-5 vaccine reported adverse reactions more frequently compared with those receiving the monovalent vaccine.
There was a trend towards an increased rate of inability to work and intake of as-needed medication following bivalent vaccination.’

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander