Truth World

Updated substack I re-post to share very critical insight of Rob Rennebohm and Geert Vanden Bossche (more so Rob’s but they work together); my additions are bolded and italicized yet pay attention to

Rob Rennebohm high level discussion with Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche (I am part of it) & I wish to share & expand it a bit for Rob’s input is seminal & critical at this time (see his stack)
I have personally found a way to reconcile Yeadon, Couey, Geert, and Rob’s core theories, with my very own. I have found that in various experts, you can find nuggets and sage information to inform your own thinking. They may even be in discord e.g. may have distinct views on the immunology or virology, yet I find it so very fascinating and I find each …
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15 hours ago · 49 likes · 26 comments · Dr. Paul Alexander

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander