Truth World

Should average Americans not enjoy the same societal rules and laws that apply to Hunter Biden? Or is it no?

It’s the masons, dummy!: rules don’t apply to them because they make and enforce them!!!
In 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations was founded, to infiltrate and control democracy, by freemasons David Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Herbert Hoover, Allen Dulles, Walter Lippmann and Edward M. House. The impressive 10-thousand members list proves the power grab was successful.1 Since 1921, the CFR has chosen every single Secretary of State. Similar mason institutions, most with similar names, were founded in over 100 countries, including Britain’s Royal Institute of International Affairs and the European Council on Foreign Relations2: practically, there’s no war where the CFR isn’t involved on both sides. 3 Their magazine Foreign Affairs is one way they send orders to all members.
In 2018, Wikileaks proved the CFR controlled all mainstream media.4
Hoover, Truman, Eisenhower, Bush father and son, Carter, Clinton, Obama 5 … some argue that, with few exceptions like JFK and Trump, at least since WWII, all US presidents were freemasons and many CFR,. All administrations were filled with thousands of CFR members. 6 The Trump administration was no exception. 7 It’s not a coincidence that Neil M. Gorsuch, CFR Supreme Court Justice appointed by Trump, betrayed conservatives by ruling in favour of homosexual marriage and other New World Order “progressive” agenda.
Another proof of grooming for infiltration: 28 Jun 2019 Democrat Tulsi Gabbard wasn’t renewed 5 CFR year membership. 8 Because she wouldn’t obey all orders? In 2020, she was still pro-homo-marriage9 and pro-abortion (a basic CFR request) and pro-Biden, but wanted paper ballots, Electoral College, supported Trump in breaking up Big Tech and removing their censorship through section 23010, Glass-Steagall, pro-natalism paid family and medical leave plans up to 12 weeks, less public and defense spending, drug patent breaking, no war.11 That’s probably why she was defamed by Kamala12, Hillary Clinton and mason Mitt Romney.13 In 2021, she questioned Fauci on COVID origin and masks.14 Tulsi was groomed by WEF in the “Forum of Young Global Leaders” but suddenly was disappeared, and not because she turned 38 (41 in 2023), the WEF cut-off limit for “young”, freemason Macron (45) is still in the search results. Fremason Trudeau, 51, isn’t, but is listed in weforum.org15, while Tulsi has been erased from there, in Apr 2022 (she independized from the Democratic party in Oct 2022).16 Maybe this was the drop that filled the cup: she’s against CBDCs and social scoring.17
9-11: 2 planes, 7 towers down
What’s the chance of this?: 11 Sep 1991, exactly a decade before 9-11 (2001), George Bush (father) said “What is at stake, is more than one small country – it is a big idea – a New World Order where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause… to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind – peace and security, freedom and the rule of law.. out of these humble times, our fifth objective – the New World Order – can emerge, [and] now we can see a new world coming into view. A world in which there is a very real prospect of a New World Order…” 18
September, 2000, one year before 9/11, Neo-Con think tank, “Project for the New American Century” (PNAC) 19 sustained: “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.” PNAC members included Bush Administration insiders such as Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Libby and Perle.” 20
Along with much other evidence21, the fall of WTC722 proved 9/11 was a Pearl Harbor event planned by the globalists to make trillions but also to induce the taxpayer in accepting a surveillance police state, spending billions in mass digital surveillance of both citizens and foreigners as never before:
• CIA agent confessed on deathbed: “We blew up WTC 7 on 9/11”. He worked on the operation they dubbed “New Century” between May 1997 and September 2001. 23
• “Over the course of attacks, more than an hour and a half, NORAD air defense failed to intercept any of the hijacked aircraft. Fighter jets are stationed at bases throughout the US, often on “5 minute alert” to be “scrambled” and respond to domestic air emergencies. This failure was due to unexplained delays in reporting and responding, between the command authority, FAA, and military.
• Several war games and drills were being conducted on 9/11, including mock-hijackings and a mock plane crash.
• There were multiple, specific warnings from foreign governments of impending attacks, including potential targets and the names of several alleged 9/11 hijackers.
• The main members of the 9/11 Commission all had major conflicts of interest. The Commission Report omitted and altered evidence that contradicted the official story (see Sibel Edmonds and WTC 7).
• Insider trading (put options on American, United and other 9/11-affected companies) was never properly investigated. The SEC could trace who made these trades.
• Reports of involvement by Pakistani Intelligence (ISI) were never officially acknowledged or investigated.
• Some prominent travelers such as San Francisco mayor Willie Brown and top Pentagon officials were reportedly warned not to fly on 9/11. Who warned them? What did they know? Other groups and individuals also received warnings or suspiciously changed plans or moved out of the WTC soon before 9/11.
• Several FBI investigations which could have uncovered the 9/11 plot were squashed and sabotaged by key FBI officials.
• In September, 2000, Neo-Con think tank, “Project for the New American Century” (PNAC) said of their imperialistic vision, “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.” PNAC members included Bush Administration insiders such as Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Libby and Perle.
• There are many historical precedents of “false flag” and state sponsored terrorism. Operation Northwoods 24 was a top secret US plan in the 1960s to carry out a campaign of terror, including blowing up airplanes, and blame it on Cuba as a pretext to invade and overthrow Castro.” 25
The next threats and the solutions?:
In that substack, I’ll soon start giving away free ebooks about topics no one is alerting about..
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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander