Truth World

You heard of ‘girls gone wild’? Now it is ‘Gov. Hochul gone wild’ up in New York State! Appeals ‘Quarantine Camp’ Ruling; IMO, this is insanity & people living in NY must think seriously about moving

They can impound you just like that for whatever reasons, even if you are of another party, especially if you are, this is not about COVID, this is about power.

Governor Hochul Files Appeal in Quarantine Camp Lawsuit

‘Late in the day on Monday March 13, 2023, just hours before the deadline, New York Attorney General, Letitia James, filed an appeal to try to overturn our successful lawsuit that struck down Governor Hochul’s unconstitutional “Isolation and Quarantine Procedures” regulation.
The case, Borrello v. Hochul, which we won last July, was brought against the Governor and her Department of Health, on behalf of a group of NYS Legislators, Senator George Borrello, Assemblyman Chris Tague, Assemblyman (now Congressman) Mike Lawler, together with our citizens’ group, Uniting NYS.’

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander