Truth World

When medical doctors, academic scientists, the left, media, RINOs, the deepstate actors, the inept corrupted feral banal CDC, FDA, NIH, NIAID, HHS leadership cries out ‘I did not know’ & ‘forgive me’

The truckers demonstrated more courage and critical thinking than all of the radical posturing academics, legal scholars, political activists combined, who supposedly were all about ‘speaking truth to power’ but in the end were acting as enforcers for the pharmaceutical mafia via the mandates. I never want to hear any of them ever talk about civil liberties, democracy, human rights again, because they obviously don’t believe in any of it at a fundamental level. In the end, their allegiance wasn’t to those ideals, but to their own social climbing as an elite class away from the resistant pro-medical freedom people. They were happy to watch a PHARMA-COUP in action and aid and abet in its expansion. Don’t ever talk to me about democracy when you were selling pharma-fascism.
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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander