Truth World

Dershowitz: it is not only that he U-turned now saying he does not support mandates for vaccine, but he is lying on what he said, listen carefully, he is even lying now on what he prior said

Dershowitz is a lying sack of shit.
He and Gates were at Epstein’s Club Kiddie Fuck Island singing happy birthday and getting their small dicks sucked by young underage girls and boys.
I met Dershowitz at a law function in Cape Town many years ago.
He gave a speech about how he had advised the Israeli government to stop building in the occupied territories.
I didn’t believe a word he said.
He came across as being very arrogant and only being interested in hearing his own voice.
He had one huge legal coup case, and that was where he got Claus von Bulow’s attempted murder conviction of his wife Sonny (where he plied her with prescription medication) overturned on appeal. Sadly, she landed up in a permanent vegetative state.
There was a fictionalisation feature film made of this story – called “Reversal of Fortune” starring Jeremy Irons and Glenn Close. It’s worth watching.
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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander