Truth World

25 year-old Canadian doctor dies suddenly (youngest thus far) after being forced to take three COVID-19 mRNA technology gene vaccines by his medical school Wayne State University School of Medicine

Dr. Makis is an inspiration to me in his tireless advocacy standing up against these fraudulent deadly COVID mRNA gene injections. See his substack below and you subscribe if you can, please support him.

‘Dr. Anthony Emanuel Chifor grew up in Windsor, Ontario. His family, like mine, was from Slovakia and had emigrated to Canada to find a better life.

He graduated from University of Windsor where he was celebrated as an Outstanding Scholar and a Lead Gold Medallion Scholar, earning his B.Sc. in Biology and Biochemistry with Great Distinction and was part of the Dean’s Honour Roll.
He was studying medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, in Detroit Michigan (USA), when he was forced to take three COVID-19 vaccines to continue his medical training.
He was in the process of completing his 3rd year of medical school when he died suddenly at the age of 25, on January 17, 2023.
He is currently the youngest Canadian doctor death in my database.
According to my research, deaths of Canadian doctors under the age of 30 increased by 900% in 2022 compared to the 2019-2020 average.
His medical school continues to enforce its COVID-19 vaccine mandate.’

Youngest Canadian doctor dies suddenly at age 25, was forced to take three COVID-19 vaccines by his Medical School…
Dr. Anthony Emanuel Chifor grew up in Windsor, Ontario. His family, like mine, was from Slovakia and had emigrated to Canada to find a better life. He graduated from University of Windsor where he was celebrated as an Outstanding Scholar and a Lead Gold Medallion Scholar, earning his B.Sc. in Biology and Biochemistry with Great Distinction and was part o…
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3 days ago · 61 likes · 26 comments · Dr. William Makis MD

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander