Truth World

We are already fighting WW 3, you just did not know it; a biological war & the issue is who is and has been the aggressor? Who fired first? Did America attack itself yet pointed to China? Deliberate?

Clandestine @WarClandestine on TWITTER shared some interesting TWEETS: ‘So for those who are concerned this could be an escalation into WW3, I’ve got news for you. We are already in WW3. Russia,
Sharing and opening the debate does not mean any of us are anti-American, hell, ask me and I will cut the WH lawn daily, love this nation and seek to protect her from those wanting to destroy her cough cough ** squad cough cough ** and RINOs and freak democrats and even some repubs, so we want healthy civil but difficult debate, and we are not pro-Russi…
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11 days ago · 50 likes · 40 comments · Dr. Paul Alexander

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander