Truth World

Kevin Bass, MD/PhD seeks AMNESTY & whispers that he/they violated us & we must have accepted it & now we have to forgive them; you are studying 7 years yet the TRUCKER knew the mandates had no basis

Kevin Bass, MD, PhD student: If Kevin Bass, medical ‘doctor in waiting’, thinks this is a mea culpa, that this is another version of AMNESTY by Emily Oster, take this & shove it! Props for this BUT
No Deal! You have blood on your hands Kevin, all over you! You are now running to the hills with Paul Offit and Leana Wen. No way you will do that. See the words of one of my colleagues in a research group: ‘Absolutely NO AMNESTY Every chance we get we hold these demons accountable for what they have done to humanity…
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3 days ago · 59 likes · 49 comments · Dr. Paul Alexander

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander