Truth World

Sweden: What is happening with the live births data (3rd column from left) in Sweden for 2022? You can see decline & we must ask, is this COVID gene injection vaccine related? Is it booster related?

UK and women giving birth: look at April, May, June 2021 (2nd column from left) versus April, May, June 2022 in UK, what do you see in women giving birth? You see clear steep declines. Why? Vaccine?
Maybe vaccine? Would the CDC or FDA in America even consider this as well as the British government? Would this data be mainstream to inform public? Do you see the decline across 2022, steady? Why do you think? The purist would say “Paul, this is associational and you have not shown causation”. I agree, but in epidemiology especially when we have observ…
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6 hours ago · 25 likes · 3 comments · Dr. Paul Alexander

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander