Truth World

Women have had it difficult for centuries in the west particularly in a patriarchal world, so why are the men in the west standing by while this transgender crap festers and develops? Why are men

F*ck your ineffective face masks, F*ck your fraud deadly mRNA Pfizer & Moderna COVID gene injection vaccine, F*ck your vaccine passports, F*ck your climate green scam, F*ck your digital ID & CBDCs
First, my mother is angry at me for this as my aunt called her to complain “did you hear what Paul wrote in his media posting?” Imagine that, my mom now is on my case. Yes, ‘the big Kill’ is coming and I credit my friend Dr. Hodkinson for coining this phrase. #diedsuddenly. Yes, why is ‘died suddenly’ one of the most searched up words in media today? Th…
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2 months ago · 439 likes · 266 comments · Dr. Paul Alexander

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander