Truth World

URGENT: Lisa Marie Presley has died! Lisa Marie was the Daughter of Elvis and Priscilla, and Dead at 54: it was reported that she suffered cardiac arrest; I am not afraid to ask, was she vaccinated

Important: We do not know if she was vaxxed or her kids, we just don’t know yet we have to in this situation. A public health imperative. We need this information, while respecting her privacy, to help the nation understand the real catastrophe with these fraud injections. These COVID gene injections especially the mRNA/DNA platform, is devastating. Not just direct terrible side effects, but damage to the innate and acquired immune system so that one becomes vulnerable.
Let us not jump to final conclusions, let us wish her a direct route to heaven to her heavenly father, and that her children and family can bear the pain and move on. This is always tragic, any death, of anyone. Let me be clear, we do not know that this was a result of the now clearly dangerous COVID gene vaccine. We do not. I am asking. If it was, the public has a right to know. Vaccinated or not, this is tragic. In this era of ‘died suddenly’, we must ask. My asking here is not reckless, I am asking yet not definitive.
We now grieve for another fallen, RIP.

As I have said before, we hang them high, all who were involved in these vaccines and it is shown that they did wrong in proper legal settings, we hang’ em high! We let proper courts decide with judges and if the judges declare that deaths occurred due to the negligence and recklessness and dangerousness and forms of mal-intent by health officials as it relates to the lockdown lunacy and the fraud COVID injections, if judges say that they are to be penalized financially and imprisoned, we imprison them! Whatever judges say must be the punishment, we impose it, we do not argue. Let the courts decide and we also go to the ballot box. Never in our hands. The Lord will deal with these beasts who now have our police and military in harms way, vaccine injured!
We pray but we never stop, we get justice and accountability! We use the courts to investigate all the seeming wrong that was done with COVID. No matter who. We investigate them!

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander