Truth World

Mr. John Leake (partner of Dr. Peter McCullough) penned this substack that I wish to share, calling into question Twitter language used by Mr. Michael Senger on Dr. McCullough; my remarks below

I am a senior fellow at Brownstone and Mr. Senger writes for Brownstone and so I wish to be respectful of Brownstone and Mr. Tucker.
I think that the words used by Senger were misplaced and wrong. There is no one save Dr. Harvey Risch and folk like Dr. Oskoui who have done more, with Dr. Ladapo and Dr. Urso and Jenny Beth Martin, and Dr. Lee Vliet, as well as Jeff Tucker, Dr. Breggin, and Dr. Scott Atlas, and myself, in fighting the COVID tyranny from lockdowns to the fraud COVID gene injections. If we are basing it on writing and rallies and speeches and interviews.
I will add Bhattacharya and Kulldorff (and Gupta). I do not pretend to speak for any of these people. Tenenbaum, Sass, Hodkinson, Trozzi etc. Look, several others who stood up and put necks on the line, careers, and name, and lost near all. For those I did not name, I apologize, but you are there. As much as I detest and loath Berenson’s continued attacks on Dr. Naomi Wolf, very poor form, I will cite he was out early with us too, banging away. Berenson, check yourself on those attacks on Wolf and Kirsch. Not needed, warranted, and we can all feed at the trough. Do not belittle each other. Do not attack each other, we have one dragon to slay. I want you in the fight and you do good. But tone it down. You attack good people, strong, contributing, marvelous people needlessly and wrongfully. Pick up the phone, write and email, no open forum attacks. Not good form.

This is not a race and let us stop the issue of who spoke to who first and who had who on their show and the like. Just stop it! This remains a very serious world altering event that we are still struggling with. We need all hands on deck. We must be statesmanlike.
Mr. Leake did a great job in his stack and the truth is that from day one, it was McCullough out there with us waging war on the malfeasants, with Jeff Tucker opening the way, as well as Trial site news (Daniel). We do not seek any leader but if one is to be named for the COVID freedom warriors, it would be McCullough and Risch. Yet we seek none.
I think Senger’s words were offensive and wrong. Very wrong and he did not do his homework. Many folk called me and wrote me as they know I work with McCullough on early treatment etc. I admire Senger for his work on study of China etc. He is a Brownstone colleague and before now, I had only praise. I still do but we have to clean this up. We cannot use Twitter and the like to hurt each other and I only write here to follow Leake and to help set the record straight for a good man. McCullough has a heart unlike most I know, decent, forgiving, compassionate. So lets move on and wish the best and stop this.
I am asking Mr. Senger to step back and apologize to Dr. McCullough for his damaging words and let us move on! Huge hugs to all. That is it and call McCullough if you have issues. Please read the depth and breath of all McCullough has done and is doing before you write things like that. We are all human beings and make mistakes and hurt and this must be hurtful, for all you did was smear a good man.
The arc of your work Michael makes that you are not an ill-intent person and very decent. I feel so that you are very decent but this was wrong. A mistake.
Come on Senger, you are better than that, smart, well thought out, so do not be like the crazies and COVIDian Taliban we are fighting against who ransacked and near destroyed our world.
Huge hugs my man, I know you will resolve statesmanlike. You are that kind! Love and respect!

“The Catastrophic Impact of Covid Forced Societal Lockdowns”
By JOHN LEAKE Last night, Dr. Paul Alexander called me (John Leake) to express concern that Dr. McCullough’s work over the last three years is being misrepresented on Twitter by a lawyer named Michael P. Senger, who tweeted on January 8, 2022: Peter McCullough is the most overrated “COVID skeptic” account. … McCullough never actually opposed lockdowns bef…
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9 hours ago · 139 likes · 20 comments · Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH™

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander