Truth World

Urgent & share please Ryan Cunningham shocks us by being so honest & open about the devastating impact the mRNA-DNA COVID gene injection has had on his life & well-being, nearly died due to the shot

Yeah, well..
I lost my job because I wouldn’t take the Lethal Injection. I was shunned, faced intimidation and threats of violence, banned from social interaction — couldn’t even attend church services — by government fiat, because I wouldn’t take the Lethal Injection. I was in daily fear of arbitrary arrest and indefinite imprisonment because I wouldn’t take the Lethal Injection. I was aware from Day 1 that Covid and the Lethal Injections were nothing but a scam designed to profit from pre-meditated mass murder. It’s not my problem this idiot couldn’t see the nakedly obvious, took a highly questionable injection without giving it the thought he’d put into buying a used car and now he’s paying the price and will soon pay for it with his life.
I have no sympathy for these imbeciles. None.
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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander