Truth World

‘Dying just before dawn’ and why the surge in catecholamines may be the reason and we strongly argue for this surge in dopamine, epinephrine, and/or norepinephrine as we begin to wake; stresses the

“Dying just before dawn”; the sudden and unexpected deaths we are seeing in young people are most likely from undiagnosed or asymptomatic vaccine-induced myocarditis; catecholamine surge!
If you have not listened to Peter McCullough (a cardiologist who is board-certified in internal medicine and cardiovascular disease), you should. I think when this settles out, he will get a Nobel Prize for medicine, for his work on early treatment (I am proud to be part of his team on that) and his move and success in saving lives across this fraud pan…
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16 days ago · 139 likes · 95 comments · Dr. Paul Alexander

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander