Truth World

Rush jab: “Fast-tracking vaccines can be disastrous – even if they work”; Jeremy Brown; The 1976 Swine flu fiasco shows the concerns people can have about a new vaccine.

Went to a TOP Grad School, not East Coast. My best friend in the class was the adopted daughter of a VERY prominent geneticist, who headed up a famous teaching university, and later one of the largest Big Pharma genetics programs in the world. The family was very wealthy, and I was invited over for large, formal parties at their estate a few times. Her father congregated with a bunch of similar sorts, Bohringer Mannheim, Burroughs Wellcome, start up bio techs. This was early 90’s, the horrible Clinton years.
The group of 6-7 doctors, pharma investors who gathered were rather evil. I was young, and paid little attention to their discussions,. but it always included large monetary figures, and grandiose plans to jab the world. I know this, because my friend admitted to me her father scared her. Like me, she had a decent streak. She did later go on to accept his offer to found a company that did paternity testing, which made her quite a bunch, and the doctors wife owned the largest genetics testing lab in this large city. I learned later, she deployed some proprietary techniques her husband would legally not have been able to leverage, given his university and military affiliations. Hey, outwardly, these were salt of the earth people. with a double compound in the second wealthiest neighborhood, and few would suspect what evil they were cooking up. I noted it, and recall telling my wife, who was good friend’s with my female classmate, “something is off with this family.”
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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander