Truth World

AMA & AAP: why is the AAP & AMA ‘grooming’ our children, destroying their innocence, robbing them of it, why are these freak medical people going after our children? With their putrid gender bullsh*t

Impact and side effects of the puberty blockers are irreversible.
I don’t buy any of this. I have an open mind but not for this crap. This transgenderism is utter crap now and very dangerous, this woke cancel bullsh*t culture is now after our children and doctors are silent just like how they were silent on denial of early treatment and the lockdowns and fraud failed COVID gene injections. Stood by as our parents and grand-parents were killed with sedation and ventilation. Yes, they killed our people. Now going after our children and this is hellish and very reckless. They are moving to plunge our children into emotional and mental anguish for they are being coerced and lulled into this transgender filth. The changes by puberty blockers etc. and physical adjustments e.g. removal of breasts etc. are life altering. I call it as it is. This is wrong and filthy and madness!

There are no studies, no research on the short, medium, and long-term effects of all of this madness, and no one seems to be interested in research. How come? Especially the blockers. Parents must stand up now!

I also embed this short piece on The Wellness Company and The UNITY Project.
First, The Wellness Company.
I am proud to announce a unique partnership with The Wellness Company and everyone who believes in medical freedom. My dear and esteemed colleagues Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Harvey Risch are also in partnership with The Wellness Company which provides telemedicine services for long-haul COVID, vaccine injury, and medical exemptions along with supplements and products that are fully aligned with our values. This support for The Wellness Company stems from the sub-optimal medical care and response that we experienced throughout the pandemic. It became apparent that there are many glaring gaps in our healthcare system and people were not properly treated. Thus, the pivot by us to support The Wellness Company. Take a stand against a broken healthcare delivery system with a membership in The Wellness Company, which directly funds our fight against medical tyranny. Click here The Wellness Company for more information. 
I also provide scientific support to The UNITY Project out of California. I support this tremendous initiative with some fine colleagues who have been warriors in the fight against all the wrongs in COVID. The UNITY Project aligns with my core values for it is very fierce in its fight to protect children from the danger of the largely safety untested COVID gene injection (The Unity Project Formed by Concerned Parents to Coordinate Opposition to California’s K-12 COVID-19 Vaccination Mandate).Alexander COVID News-Dr. Paul Elias Alexander’s Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander