Truth World

Dr. Naomi Wolf: CDC says 25 mg Pfizer vaccine for kids under 12 years & 100 mg Moderna? Dr. Wolf is onto something here, thus how could adults usually get 30 mg Pfizer & 100 mg Moderna & CDC says

Anderson et al: Moderna’s childhood mRNA study ADVERSE effect: “Evaluation of mRNA-1273 Vaccine in Children 6 Months to 5 Years of Age”; look at the study & supplementary appendix, UNSOLICITED adverse
Look at the unsolicited adverse effects and the ones of special interest for the Moderna vaccine in these little kids. Focus not on the placebo arm, but the vaccine arm. You may say small numbers but they are shocking. Near 50% of the babies in 6-23 months age group (Table S11) needed medical attention post Moderna vaccine? 4th row extreme right hand co…
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2 days ago · 63 likes · 9 comments · Dr. Paul Alexander