Truth World

URGENT: Dr. Byram Bridle is world class, top virologist & immunologist, vaccinologist & wrote this piece on the Boston lab & potentially deadly super-chimeric virus, gain-of-function; see our substack

MADMEN, real MADMEN, why would they create a GoF chimeric SARS-CoV-2 virus & 80% mortality? BIOWEAPON? Chen et al.: “Role of spike in the pathogenic & antigenic behavior of SARS-CoV-2 BA.1 2 Omicron”
In my opinion, the SARS-CoV-2 COVID virus we have on deck now is a bioweapon. Yet what these Boston researchers have done here and written out, is indeed an even more potentially deadly bioweapon, in the wrong hands. This study was in mice, a rodent model, yet we run such pre-clinical studies in mice and based on results, we set the in vivo likely anima…
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2 days ago · 120 likes · 121 comments · Dr. Paul Alexander